Sunday, October 20, 2024

2024 Update

And just like that, another year has come and gone and I'm back with what is now apparently becoming my one and only form of posting--my annual update. 

As of the time of this writing, life is good. Daniel and I have created a life that we love to live. Our kids are now 4, 3, and 1. They each have the sweetest personalities and are the biggest joy-factor in our day. Alex is four and is in Pre-K and thriving; he's so smart and loves to build and draw... he's Daniel's best buddy when it comes to anything landscaping and outdoors. Brady just turned three and has such a rich, well-annunciated vocabulary; he is a bit of a wild child and is testing us already in his threes (but I've got a big soft spot in my heart for him for sure). Camren is sixteen-months-old and is walking, babbling, and the absolute sweetest girl--God knew we needed a chill baby for our third child! 

Something new for us this year is that I have moved into a career in cyber warfare, transitioning away from my former position and into a dynamic, evolving career field that will help better set our family up for the future (both as a career move and financially, but also even looking far into the future after I retire from the ANG). I'm still employed full-time in the Idaho Air National Guard, but I now work within cyberspace operations. As part of that new job, I also have about a year's worth of training to complete out of state in order to be fully qualified in the position. As I'm writing this, I'm separated from my family down in Biloxi, Mississippi for 7.5-months, completing the first part of my training to earn my wings as a 17S Cyberspace Operations Officer. After I graduate from this training, I'll go home for a bit before spending another 4-months in Pensacola, Florida for the next part of my training. If I have to be away from home, I'm so grateful for the cool training locations the Air Force is sending me! 

While in Mississippi, I've ventured into new fitness territory with CrossFit. I've never done CrossFit before, but I found a gym down south that is incredible and I'm really enjoying learning new skills and testing my body in different ways. In other news, I've also gotten back into running after a nearly five-year hiatus due to having kids back-to-back in such a short time period. I've found my running legs again and have enjoyed competing in local races to include 5Ks, 8Ks, 10Ks, 12Ks, and trail runs with half and full marathons on my future horizon. Getting back into running has been such a mental boost--I didn't realize how much I missed it until I found my speedy legs again!  

There's so much more I could write about life these days. Thankfully, I still share nearly all of it on Instagram on a daily basis. I'd love if you came and said hi to me there! I have everything on IG from fitness stuff to kid stuff, and from cyber stuff to work stuff, and of course all the adventures, travels, races, restaurants, workouts, and random fill-my-cup stuff in between. So from now until the next time I visit this space, cheers!, and thanks for still being here! 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

2023 Update

I recently visited my own blog just to make sure it was still out there taking up a fraction of a space on the internet--yep, it sure was--and I realized I hadn't updated it in a year... wow! Time flies by so quickly these days. 

As of the writing of this post, we are now a family of FIVE (5!!!) with our newest addition, Camren, joining us just a little over a month ago. We hadn't planned on having another kiddo, but God knew this little lady was the missing piece to our Team Rowe puzzle and we absolutely could not love her more. 

Alex is our smart and adventurous little dude. He loves helping around the house (with baby, dishes, cooking, yard work, laundry... we'll take all the help we can get), he is artistic, is incredibly Type-A, and amazes us with his vocabulary, the stories he tells us, and we can't get enough of him singing himself to sleep (or when he wakes up) at the top of his lungs. 

Brady is so sweet. He loves to cuddle, read books, and do anything outside. As soon as you mention going to the park, for a walk or for a ride, he sprints over to get his favorite shoes (currently his red Crocs), and brings them back to us exclaiming, "Shoes back on! Shoes back on!" He's still learning different words, but he annunciates his speech so clearly and we love watching him grow into his own little person. 

For myself and Daniel, we both have recently changed jobs but are still employed full-time at the Air National Guard. Life is good there, and neither of us has plans to discontinue our service anytime soon. I truly look forward to going to work each day, and the opportunities, trainings, travel, and benefits we are afforded could not be better. "Service Before Self" is much easier to accomplish when you really enjoy what you do! 

While I don't intend to begin filling this space back up with new blog posts, I should mention that I'm still very active on my Instagram and also YouTube, often publishing posts, reels & stories on IG and YouTube Shorts of what we are up to these days... feel free to catch me there! And if you're an old reader from back in the day or a new one just stopping by to check this place out, all I have to say is thank you for supporting me & my family in my online adventures. It truly means so much!

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

2022 Update

Hello friends near & far. It's been way too long since I've sat down to type out my thoughts in this space, and I hope you're not expecting me to make a blogging comeback because life is just a little too fun right now to spend any more time on the computer than I have to!

Since I last posted over a year ago, so much has changed. We are now a family of four (!!) and we have two sons who are wild & crazy (as expected) but who we couldn't imagine life without. Our youngest, Brady, is almost 8-months (as of this post) and our oldest, Alex, is nearing 2.5. Staying fit enough to keep up with them is my only fitness goal these days. If you asked me what I was put on this earth for, my answer 100% of the time would be "to be their Mama!" It's my favorite job, and also arguably the hardest. Needless to say, "my boys" (all 3 of them to include Daniel) are my LIFE

I'm still in the military and have transitioned from Security Forces (I was their Operations Officer for 5-years) to the Inspector General's office as the Director of Inspections. I made that move in 2021 as a development opportunity; it's been great to be part of the inspection & exercise activities that affect the entire Wing. I also still work for the Idaho Air National Guard fulltime as the Wing's Chief of Information Protection (security clearance stuff) and that's going well. 

We don't travel near as often as we used to; life looks a lot different these days with kiddos by our sides. But honestly, it's such a welcome change and is so fun exploring life in new ways and seeing their little eyes light up when we take adventures, both big and small. From playing outside in the backyard as the evenings warm up here in Idaho to taking multi-day road-trips across the US... our boys are along for the ride! Daniel and I will celebrate 10 years of marriage this year--it's hard to believe how fast time has passed us by... and we've enjoyed all of it!

To say that things are good these days would be an understatement, and I'm grateful I had this blog as a platform for so long to journal our story. I'm still around on Instagram @anneliserowe (it's a private account, so you have to request to follow). If you're still around after all these years to read this or are visiting for the first time, all I have to say is thank you! And maybe, just maybe, I'll pop back in before the next year to say hello again. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

366-days of Alex James: 1-year-old!

Our son, Alex James, turned 1 on Feb 20, 2021! This is 366-days of “face-a-day” photos... what a year it has been (leap year!). He has been our light through COVID-19 and the biggest blessing for our entire family. We prayed for 2.5-years for this baby, and the last year since his arrival has been an adventure every day. We can’t believe he’s already ONE! He can walk, can sign several words (sign language), says “Mama” and sometimes “Dada,” has the best appetite of any baby we know, and loves exploring his little world. We couldn’t be more grateful to spend each day raising our giggly, drooling, smart boy—“THE GOO!”

In hindsight, I’m grateful for this video spanning almost every single day of the last year (I think I missed 3-4 days total). However, also in hindsight, I’d never recommend taking on a year’s worth of “face-a-day” picture taking... it was a lot of work! If you're wondering what I'm up to these days--raising this boy is it!!! 

We sure love our little man... Cheers to many more firsts!

Friday, December 25, 2020


Love ♥ Daniel, Annelise & (officially introducing) Alex Rowe 

Despite all the craziness that 2020 has brought with it, this last year has been the most fulfilling year of my life. I have waited so long to be a mom, and now it it my most important and all-time favorite job. My husband and my baby mean more to me than anything... I am finally serving my life's purpose.

If you've checked in over the last year and have noticed my lack of posts, that's how it's going to stay for the time being. I love soaking up each moment I can with my family and don't intend to share our lives across this platform anymore. If you're curious, yes, I'm still in the military full-time--as a Captain now (still in the same jobs), and I'm still actively posting on Instagram. I appreciate each of you who has read and followed along over the years. Wishing you all the best in 2021 and beyond! 

Past Christmas cards: 2011 │ 20122013201420152016201720182019
