Monday, November 28, 2011


Oh jeez.
Back to life... back to reality!

As I head back to work today, fresh off my week long vacation, I'm really not looking forward to the pile of mail and papers that is going to be on my desk. 
I know I can handle it... but, oh I'd rather be sleeping. Or eating. Or reading. Or blogging. 
Or anything but working.

I miss Disneyland, golfing, and the warm California weather already.

I just feel a slight bit overwhelmed today. I got back on my computer and found countless emails, about 140 blog posts to read on my RSS, and a whole bunch of bloggers who seem to have a heck-of-a-lot more talent than I do. It's kind of discouraging. Oh well. I'm my own person, right? Simply Aunie!

Ok... I feel better now. Just typing those words revved me up a little bit.
Anyway... back to work... back to reality.

P.S. I just love reading your comments... but I can't reply back if you don't "show your email" on your Blogger profile. All you need to do is go to your Blogger profile. Click "Edit." Check the box that says "show my email address," and you're good to go!  Then I will be able to respond to your comments. For a more detailed tutorial, check out this link from For the Love of Blogs. Success!!!

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