Time for the
In the future, I may be putting the group giveaway on hold*...
one of the entries below will help me decide if we keep/disregard the big monthly giveaway.
Your input will make a difference!
*To clarify, there will still be individual giveaways for small businesses.
one of the entries below will help me decide if we keep/disregard the big monthly giveaway.
Your input will make a difference!
*To clarify, there will still be individual giveaways for small businesses.
And now...
11 prizes.
11 prizes.
11 winners.
See what's up for grabs, visit some sweet blogs/shops, & enter away!
See what's up for grabs, visit some sweet blogs/shops, & enter away!
blog // twitter // facebook // instagram
blog // facebook // twitter // instagram // etsy
facebook // etsy → use code AUNIE for 10% off // twitter
blog // pinterest // twitter // instagram
blog // facebook // twitter // shop
blog // facebook // twitter // instagram // pinterest
Enter via Rafflecopter.
Open internationally (Tookies prize is US only).
/ / For entries that say "Follow via GFC," here's what you do: On the sidebar of their blog, find their Google Friend Connect widget. Click the blue button that says "Join this site." You may have to create an account with Google to complete this entry.
/ / For entries that say "Follow via GFC," here's what you do: On the sidebar of their blog, find their Google Friend Connect widget. Click the blue button that says "Join this site." You may have to create an account with Google to complete this entry.
Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Group giveaways are always fun, though I imagine a lot of work for you. What fits best with your life?
I already sent you an email with my opinions, but I like it - keep it!!
I love highlighting small businesses/shops! I have found so many great gifts this way :)
I love the monthly giveaways :)
Also, I like that there aren't 72 billion ways to enter and earn entries... those drive me crazy...
Hi Aunie :) I would love for you to feature small businesses and do a local style watch.
Love learning about new shops, but can be a little overwhelming.
It's about YOU!! How do you feel about doing them? What do you really want to do? Seems to me like you would rather do highlights and that sounds great to me! And maybe you could do two big giveaway a year or something crazy like that. And maybe have someone help you out with it.
I think a lot of people like giveaways. I like winning giveaways. :) At the same time I definitely understand not wanting to do them.
I think one a month isn't bad.
I love the group giveaways because I think they are really exciting, and you feel as though your chances to win are really high because there are so many prizes, however, to be honest... I think smaller giveaways make me look into the blogger/company a little closer since it is less overwhelming. I feel like with smaller giveaways I browse their sites a little more. Both ways are great, it just depends what you are going for =)
I love the giveaways but I would understand if you wanted to put them on hold. I imagine it's a lot of work! Either way, I still plan on being a devoted reader!! :)
I personally like the giveaways (I am one of the people giving something away) but if it is a time suck for you it makes sense to cut down on them! maybe do them every other month?
I love group giveaways! I think it's a great way to highlight your sponsors without doing spotlight guest posts :)
i like group give a ways...
The group giveaway is fun, although I've never won anything. :) Is it something you enjoy? That should be what matters most!
I love group giveaways, but with one winner rather than more :)
I love a good giveaway - hoping to win something someday! - but I imagine it's kind of annoying for you. We don't read your blog for the giveaways, so feel free to get rid of them if you're not feeling them :)
I think a bi-monthly giveaway would be perfect. Not TOO much giveaway talk and we can focus on the important stuff on your blog! And then we can get all excited when a rare giveaway comes!!! xo
I'm all about meeting new blogs. But I think that sometimes blogs get lost in the shuffle of big group giveaways. I say whatever works best for you and your blog!
I like the group giveaways you host because they are not TOO big and don't take 2 hours to enter :)
It's fun to find different blogs, too :)
Everything you gals do, big and small, is appreciated!
I am kind of over some giveaways, but YOUR giveaways I love. They aren't cheesy, they aren't posted too often & they are really easy & are well worth it. I've "met" a lot of great bloggers through you! I love your monthly giveaways!
I love group giveaways, but individual features are so nice too!
I'm not sure I have a favorite! I do like how you don't make the giveaways tooooo big even when it is a group - I think sometimes huge giveaways are too overwhelming!
I shared my thoughts with you a few weeks ago, but I want to reiterate that I would read you no matter what, sweet friend!
About the giveaways, I actually like what you have done over the past month, highlighting one business or small shop at a time. I appreciate giveaways just as much as the next person, but I think it's easy for the participants to get lost if the giveaway is too large. I like the chance to get to know the people who are participating in the giveaway, and the larger the giveaway is, the less likely I am to really *know* any of the cool blogs/shops after I enter. :)
Gayle | Grace for Gayle
I think I like individual giveaways better. I tend to look at them more than just skimming thru a big batch. Whatever works easier for you though! (Just won the Vintage Pearl Giveaway, super pumped! So hard to choose something! I love it all!)
I love big group giveaways! I rarely win anything, but I enjoy learning about the different sponosors and they're fun to enter. :-)
xoxo Miss ALK
I know that group giveaways are a lot of work. If you did more frequent smaller giveaways may be easier? Either way, Auniesauce.com is a daily read for me even if you don't give away at all :)
not sure which i perfer but mb the smaller giveaways so all the focus is on one shop...
I'm on the fence, I like multiple winners, but it has to be hard for you!!
I love the big group giveaway, it's exciting!
I think there are pros and cons to group giveaways, but ultimately you have to do what works for you and your sponsors!
I love giveaways like this because they give me the ability to meet other bloggers.
i love giveaways like this and i love meeting other bloggers!!
I like group giveaways because we do the same amount of clicks and have more chances to win.
I like the monthly group giveaways because they aren't TOO big but they feel like they are giving attention where it should be and that you have a shot at winning. ;)
I like when there are multiple winners in a giveaway or the giveaway just highlights one small business. But I know it's easier to do it all at once.
Theres been tons of ginormous giveaways this month (i'm guilty of it for sure) but this seems like the perfect size :)
I like it, its good to have 11 giveaways and 11 winners. I think it gives more exposure to each individual sponsor!
I think there are pros and cons to both situations. Giveaways are great but they aren't something that you have to do. I think they are a treat for readers but should be done with how you feel comfortable. I like the group giveaways but I think featuring them one on one may bring in more quality exposure to a blog or shop,but it also creates more work for you. In the end, it is YOUR blog and you should do what you feel is best for your blog.
I love the giveaway the way you do, it gets lots of winners and I get to find new blogs to read :)
I really like group giveaways are fun as long as the prizes are varied. Not all ad space, or gift cards. A little bit of everything is great!
This is cute!
I wouldn't mind the smaller shops/businesses, because then it also could help them get out there more! :p
However, whatever works better for you is what should be done. :]
I'm a first-time visitor, but I find this cool. :p
I love the group giveaways..especially if I would win! HA.. I like the giveaway gifts best if they are something I can actually use, such as a gift card or earrings, etc. I do not really like ad space, personally.
I like it, lots of fun and many winners!
I think group giveaways are awesome!
I think both are good ideas maybe you could have group giveaways sometimes and a few little giveaways some months
I tweeted this at you, but I like to smaller ones - they feel more personal. like, they feel more personal to the winner and helps build a relationship between the winner and the blogger/store who gave the item, but it also feels like it's more personal between the sponsoring blogger/store and the sponsee, and that's nice to see as a reader. (does that make sense?)
I love that you do a group giveaway with multiple winners!
love the big group giveaways!
Honestly, there are SO many bloggers who host group giveaways and they assign all like 12 prizes to ONE winner. I'm definitely not a fan of those types of giveaways.
But yours on Aunie Sauce are amazing! Your sponsors are always donating great items and I LOVE how each winner only gets one prize. It's all perfect.
I stopped group giveaways just because I felt it was getting repetitive. I wanted to start focusing more on individual giveaways and only once in a while. I say go with your gut - do what's best for yourself and your time!
love the giveaways, and this format is great!
I'm not a big fan of blog hop giveaways, either. If I see a giveaway with over 1,000 entries, I skip right over it. So far, this one hasn't reached that number! And I would love to win it, so here I am!
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I'm a sucker for giveaways. :) And I always find awesome blogs through giveaways since I must click on their blog to follow... most of the time I find blogs that I would not normally have found and really love them!
I have also had a lot of good luck with winning giveaways..... of course that makes me like them even more! I imagine for people who enter all the time and never win, it might seem lame... There should be a giveaway for people who have never won anything before! hahha. okay. So my answer is, Giveaways!! Ya!!!
It's a good idea!
I like big giveaways - I usually read on my phone, so I do read it on my mac when it's the giveaway :)
I like the big giveaways, but it gets kind of annoying when there's like 40 different things to for entries.
Keep it as is, I love your giveaways and it just means there are more chances to win!
Sparkles and Shoes
I like the idea of using small shops by doing giveaways
I like the group giveaways
I like the group giveaways
I like big giveaways sometimes and the support of small businesses! Thanks!
I like the one giveaway as a whole!
You always have such awesome giveaways! I hope you will add them to the Giveaway Link up! Just head over to GiveawayLinkUp.com!
I like both ideas! I think one group giveaway keeps everything in one place and it might be easier to keep an eye out for. But whichever one works best with your schedule of course!
xo, gina
Many small ones! :-)
love big giveaways! so exciting!
So many options! Plus a lot of those blogs seem fun to read.
I like little ones.
I think once a month is good. Unless there is a small business out there but I like being able to come to your page for you, not your giveaways.
I like the way you do group giveaways, where there is one winner for each item, instead of one winner takes everything. I also like seeing the individual giveaways, but it's your choice in the end. What do you want to do on your blog to make it fit you best.
I love the big giveaways! They're so exciting! But then again, I love small ones too... Honestly, you can't go wrong either way.
i love the big giveaways, where one winner wins a bookoo amount of goodies! x0x
Either if fine the more winners the better!
I like all the giveaways, big and small!
Love group giveaways and your space!!
small businesses/shops with their own giveaways
LOVE your Group Giveaways!! :D God bless!!
i love how you have more than one winner for the group giveaways, you spread the wealth!
I like the group giveaways. I think you should always keep it to smaller bloggers, so we baby ones can have a chance!
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