Thursday, July 26, 2012

Even If You Know Me...

Even if you know me,
even if you're my best friend,
my sister, my parents,
or an every day reader...
there's always something new to learn about me.

I'm not perfect. Nor will I ever be...
and I do have some secrets.
Good secrets... they are just things that are, well... secret.
  1. I love to sing. Love love love to sing. But no one ever hears it.
  2. My all-time favorite band to sing along with is the Dixie Chicks.
  3. Each and every meal is a battle of portion sizes. I like to eat... a lot. My weight is always going up and it's a constant battle each day to maintain it. Almost everyday on my way to the gym I have to fight with myself not to pull through a drive-thru. Unfortunate? Yes. True? Yes (and I admit, I've given in once or twice before).
  4. One of my biggest pet peeves is watching people "booger roll" out their car window. My sister and I both are booger-roller police. 
  5. I will never, ever stop missing my little baby Oso, who I had to give up when I ended my last relationship.
  6. I scare very easily. A few (ahem, the Rowe brothers) know this one. And they know I don't like being scared. I jump/scream/wave-my-hands-in-front-of-my-face-like-a-little-girl very, very easily.
  7. If I'm ever irritable, holding me close and showing me love calms me down so fast.
  8. I'm very self-conscious of my dancing skills... or lack thereof.
  9. I always tell people I don't want children. Heck, I tell myself that every day. But something keeps telling me otherwise.
  10. Having a bad eyelash day is way worse than a bad hair day. Blame it on the trich.
  11. Messy, dirty homes and things just left out (like shoes, purses, dishes, etc.) give me anxiety.
  12. Ever since I was rear-ended in May (for the 2nd time), I've been a very scared driver. I'm still defensive, trust me, but driving in traffic terrifies me. I get nervous on my commute home from work each day. The Flying WYE and Eagle Road in Boise just. scare. me. And Boise doesn't even have bad traffic!
  13. I feel like everyday my purpose becomes more clear. I'm here to share my story. It's not an exciting, thrilling, or rags to riches kind of story. But it's mine, and I'm here to share it.
And if you know me, 
you probably know this,
the thing I love most of all...
is love. ♥

>>Linking up with Miranda for T13 here.


Chelsea said...

I'm thrilled that you love the Dixie Chicks. I am such a huge fan and listen to them in my car all the time!! :-)

The Pretty Pinhead said...

Just found your blog via the Meet & Tweet on Twitter. Love it! Fellow ex-cheerleader and now coach here :)

Now following!

The Pretty Pinhead

kristen wright said...

love getting to know you :) i'm glad i'm not the only one who fights the on the way to the gym woes!!! happy thursday and thanks for being so awesome!!!

Lindsay said...

i love that post - and also am handicapped in the dancing dept! :)

Unknown said...

I will never stop missing the dog that I had to give up in my divorce either :(

The Pink Growl said...

I feel you on the weight battle and the fast food battle! This week has been especially hard for me and I'm really struggling. I hate that you suffer with it too, but I'm glad to hear I'm not alone!

The Pink Growl said...

I feel you on the weight battle and the fast food battle! This week has been especially hard for me and I'm really struggling. I hate that you suffer with it too, but I'm glad to hear I'm not alone!

Melissa88Senick said...

Love singing and Dixie Chicks too. lol. Never admitted that to anybody but boy when they come on in the car, it's on. lol.

Grace said...

You're precious. Simple as that.


Anonymous said...

I'm listening to the Dixie Chicks right now! That's crazy man! And I agree, they're pretty awesome to sing to!

Jamie said...

Love this post!

Just FYI, don't come to my house haha Your anxiety will go through the roof! I'm not messy, I just leave stuff out :) oops!

<3 Jamie

Lindsay @ Trial By Sapphire said...

I just adore you more and more each day, Aunie.

DSR said...

Thanks for sharing these lovely tidbits. I can relate to a lot of them. Especially the weight battles. I was always thin but since I had my son seven months ago it's been really tough for me to curb my appetite and eat healthy. I'm getting better and making it a priority so I can fit into my size 4s again.

You are so darling, but I knew that before this post!

Allyssa said...

I can relate to your portion size battles. I love food, but food doesn't love me!

And I can't dance either. I have no coordination whatsoever.

Unknown said...

Thanks for linking up!! I just loved your Facebook birthday wish today :) It made my heart so happy! You must absolutely let me know if you ever make it here to Texas in the Dallas area <3 <3 <3

Allie said...

i am on your page with the weight gain... eating is just tooo delicious and fun though!

Stephine said...

I absolutely love to sing too. I wish that I could just sing *good*. I'm terrible so no one hears me either. I also have a hard time with portion control and it's caused me to gain massive amounts of weight. I don't think you've done bad though, eating out everyone once in awhile is okay :)

Anonymous said...

1. I love to sing too! But I also never let anyone hear me. Sure I sing funny/crazy in front of people, but I never use my real singing voice. I think it makes me feel vulnerable for some reason. I blast vocal chords in the car though : ]

2. While I don't know a whole lot of Dixie Chicks, they are one of the only "country" artists I'll admit to liking, and "Goodbye Earl" is far and away one of the best songs to sing along to. And Just to get you going... "Mary Anne and Wanda were the best of friends, all through their high school days...."

3. The weight thing is tough isn't it? It probably wasn't as hard when you were cheerleading right? I was in fairly good shape while I was still doing band and color guard but as soon as I stopped it was like 'Now what do I do? My workouts aren't built into my schedule anymore. I actually have to try now?!' It's tough, and I'm still working on it. I wish you luck. And just know that it's ok to give in every once in awhile. Longtime deprivation leads to binges!

13. I feel like your blog is a confessional for a reality Tv show--you get to work out everything as you talk about it. It's like self-therapy. ; ] And I am glad to be following you on your journey!

Ashley said...

We are officially best friends. The other day I was thinking about how much I miss the Dixie Chicks and how I need to bust that cd out to put on my ipod.

Amanda said...

I love Dixie Chicks! And I scare easily too.

Loved this post - especially #13! ;)

Janna Renee said...

You should probably never come to my house or Colorado. Haha. I have shoes by the back door for when I have to work on the yard, I leave my purse and such at the foot of the bed, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep Colorado houses "clean" with everything that blows in every time a window or door is open. Oh, and we don't have AC, so we have to open up the houses.
I sing ALL the time, but not when I'm in a new situation. I can tell when I'm comfortable in new surroundings, because then I will start singing. And when Will and I get into a tiff, we still hold hands or cuddle, and it makes us calm down! Everyone needs to understand that human contact can solve it all!

My Froley said...

haha we are very similar. i love reading little tid bits about people. sometimes you forget the people behind these blogs are just normal people too. happy singing :-)

Brittany said...

That's a great picture!! I'm your newest follower & found your blog from Our Reflection!

Sidney said...

I'm glad I came across this post :) I totally understand the bad eyelash day. It's so disappointing and then I think about them all day long.

I also had to give up my pets when my relationship ended. I moved once and couldn't take my first cat with me. Then my relationship ended and I gave my ex both of my new cats because I couldn't bare to see him without the precious little ones. It's certainly rough!
